Stomp with Marilyn Griffitts - ArtShop Instructor Highlight

Meet Marilyn Griffitts, ArtShop "Stompin' Fun" instructor! Marilyn is the perfect instructor for this ArtShop class because she is inspired by "people who find a way to put the fun back into learning." In addition to making music (and teaching others to make music) from every day objects like pots, pans, 2x4s, water jugs, buckets and tennis balls, she also play marimba, banjo, guitar and recorder. Marilyn has a BA from BYU, Level 1 Orff certification from Utah State University, Level 1 World Music Drumming certification, and currently teaches K-5 music at Hayden Meadows Elementary School in Hayden, Idaho. Why does Marilyn like teaching this class/medium? "I like to have fun, and this is F-U-N! And I love to see the joy in kids faces when they can play something musical on trash can lids!" Marilyn's favorite art quote: "If you can talk you can sing; if you can walk you can dance" -Zimbabwean proverb

ArtShop is July 28-August 1, 2014, for kids grades 2 to 8. What makes ArtShop unique? It is a full week of art classes, each student participating in one visual arts class and one performance arts class, ending with the children performing at the Art on the Green festival. Full class descriptions and registration information can be found here. Watch for a performance by Marilyn's ArtShop class at Art on the Green on Friday, August 1!

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