Origami with Kelsey Cordes-Snyder ~ ArtShop Instructor Highlight

Kelsey Cordes-Snyder will be teaching Origami: Folding Paper into Art at ArtShop in a few weeks. Kelsey is a special ArtShop instructor as she grew up attending ArtShop and selling her art as a Youth Booth Artist at Art on the Green, and now we are lucky enough to have her sharing her love of art with the current generation of ArtShop students! Kelsey says, "I love teaching origami to children for many reasons, the foremost being that anyone can do origami with enough time and patience. It is also an accessible medium, requiring only a sheet of paper. And while anyone can fold paper, origami can be transformed into an art form by creating new folds, finding creative means to display the pieces, or by merging it with other art mediums. Lastly, I love the concept that origami goes beyond just being an art form; the principles of folding objects have been used to teach geometry and in engineering feats."

ArtShop is July 27-31, 2015, for kids grades 2 to 8. What makes ArtShop unique? It is a full week of art classes, each student participating in one visual arts class and one performance arts class, ending with the children performing at the Art on the Green festival. Full class descriptions and registration information can be found here.

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